Do you want to simplify or optimise your processes?
- Would you like to introduce new processes?
- Would you like to organise workflows efficiently?
- Would you like to promote teamwork?
- Would you like to increase collaboration and promote continuous improvement?
- The motivated acc solutions team is here for you with its experience, knowhow and practical skills.
- QR-Link, the service portal is available in 110 languages. QR-Link provides live GEO Cockits and reporting. The platform even translates your content into 110 target languages. You can use the portal for your customers, as a service portal, for exhibits, for business cards, for your machines and asset management, etc. The fully custom tailored solution is ready in your setup within maximum 4 days. See the QR-Link Video now...
- Information and news about QR-Link the service portal
- See a live demo now...

on demand. Outstanding know-how from the entire acc solutions AG Team is available for you. Thanks to the diversity and broad experience the team finds the most suitable solutions for your business processes. Kaizen - optimse daily to reach excellence.

Thanks to the experienced acc solutions Team you progress fast and reach your goals. The acc solutions Team helps on the strategy, process and technology side to reach better results. The acc solutions team delivers, be it the SaaS Service Champion, a new datawarehouse, live Cockpits, API interfaces, an application redesign, new innovative products or processes. acc is here for your success.
Successful process re-engineering and innovation at BMW Bühler in Neuenegg / Berne. acc solutions implemented the Okomo Chat solution for sales and support processes.
„acc solutions professionally analyzed our requirements and optimally implemented our processes in their Service Champion platform. Thanks to transparent communication, initial information has been improved massively.“
Nils Kerner, Kreditoren-management, Swisscom
"Acc solutions exceeded our expectations. The process for repair and maintenance orders to field technicians (Service Assignment) has become much more transparent and efficient thanks to the PDF module of the "Service Champion". The error rate was reduced to virtually zero! "
"For our new additional service Hertz HotSpot, acc solutions has created the business process that connects suppliers, customers and all Hertz stations with each other. Thanks to the Service Champion we now have live reports and controlling at the click of a mouse!"
"In sales we benefit greatly from the newly created transparency that we have achieved thanks to acc solutions!"
"Since the introduction of the Service Champion, the event organization has been running efficiently and in a structured manner. Urgencies are detected early. "
"We are thrilled with the increase in efficiency we have achieved thanks to the professional advice of acc solutions and the commitment of the Service Champion."
Michael Scheu, Hotline Support, Laetus
"Thanks to the close cooperation with acc solutions, the staff in the Swisscom shops are planned precisely according to day, time and location."
acc solutions works with local partners to create regional value.
100% locally made, long-term, stable partnerships are extremely important to acc solutions.
Sustainability, trust and shared values count for us!
Die neusten News und Informationen auf Linkedin
QR-Link hilft Ihnen und Ihren Kunden z.B. als Service Portal. Sie möchten Ihre Kunden informiert halten? Sie sind in mehreren Sprachen unterwegs? Sie möchten Geo-Auswertungen der QR-Link Nutzung? Sie möchten Inventar oder Assets mit dem QR-Code einfach managen? Sie möchten Ihren Kunden top Service bieten? Dann ist der QR-Link genau das richtige für Sie. Lesen Sie das Neuste

Herzliche Gratulation zum Lehrabschluss Armin Leu Informatiker EFZ
acc solutions AG bildet erfolgreich den ersten Lehrling aus Herzliche Gratulation Armin zur bestandenen Lehrabschlussprüfung Informatiker EFZ!!!Good news an der Knowhow und Ausbilsungsfront. Dieses Jahr hat der erste acc solutions AG Lehrling, Armin Leu, erfolgreich seine Lehre bei acc solutions AG abgeschlossen. Das ganze Team gratuliert Armin Leu zu seinem erfolgreichen Lehrabschluss! Mega! Gut gemacht Armin! Der ganze „Chrampf“ hat sich

Mit «Live Chat» und «Deep Listening» erfolgreich im «Conversational Commerce» – Dank der Schweizer Start-up «Okomo» und «acc solutions» Praxis Know-how.
«Conversational Commerce» ist eines der aktuellen Themen in der Unternehmenswelt. «Märkte sind Gespräche» ist ein oft gehörter Slogan. Der «Live Chat (Texting)» ist heute ein besonders oft eingesetzter Kommunikationskanal im «Conversational Commerce». Doch der «Live Chat» führt nicht zum erwünschten Erfolg, wenn dem Kunden nicht richtig «zugehört/gelesen» und entsprechend gehandelt wird. Lesen Sie über die Wichtigkeit von «Deep Listening» im